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NECO 2018 Literature-in-English Drama and Poetry Answer – June/July Expo

NECO Literature-in-English Drama and Poetry Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2018 Expo Runz.

    WHITEHEAD: He was a white man, falsely presented by Soko that the gods wanted the village to accept. Soko presented his coming as a means to enrich the village through the tobacco farm. He used gin, tobacco and hard drug on people in order to deceive them. He saw Kindo as an obstacle and planned to kill him. He wanted to rape Wara. He plan worked well when he sent Parker to kill Soko and knew that Kindo will kill Parker. In other words is a crass, greedy, dictator who arrogantly believes he can deceive the entire land into granting him access to its diamond.
    whitehead lies to the king and is people that he is in mandoland to cultivate tobacco. He dies in the hand of kindo

    This is the most prominent theme that portrayed in the tragic play. The Lives of whitehead , maligu and soko. The three’s sole ambition is to get rich. whitehead come to mandolin’s with dubious intent to cart the people’s diamond wealth away and become extremely rich. The other two connive with him to carry out his intention and also get rich
    in the process. Greed sets in when they begin to distrust one another and hatching plans to eliminate each other for greater advantage on the diamond wealth

    An old-fashioned gentleman who owns an old house in the countryside, Hardcastle is stuck in his ways and despises modern trends. He fought in the War of Spanish Succession and likes to tell stories of his time during the war. He is protective of his daughter, Kate, indulgent to his wife, Mrs. Hardcastle, and disapproves of his unpolished and rowdy stepson, Tony. Even though he dislikes modern society and leads a relatively isolated life, he does not wish to be thought of as an irrelevant old fogey. Hardcastle expects to be treated with respect by everyone he meets, so he is appalled by the ill-treament he receives from his friend SirCharles’s son, Marlow. Hardcastle may be eccentric, but he is fair-minded. Therefore, when he sees that his wife’s lies are preventing Tony, Constance, and Hastings from finding happiness, he reveals the truth they need to know to be freed to make their own ways in the world without her interference.

    i)Walter Lee Younger – The protagonist of the play. Walter is a dreamer. He wants to be rich and devises plans to acquire wealth with his friends, particularly Willy Harris. When the play opens, he wants to invest his father’s insurance money in a new liquor store venture. He spends the rest of the play endlessly preoccupied with discovering a quick solution to his family’s various problems.
    ii)Beneatha Younger (“Bennie”) – Mama’s daughter and Walter’s sister. Beneatha is an intellectual. Twenty years old, she attends college and is better educated than the rest of the Younger family. Some of her personal beliefs and views have distanced her from conservative Mama. She dreams of being a doctor and struggles to determine her identity as a well-educated black woman.
    iii)Lena Younger (“Mama”) –  Walter and Beneatha’s mother. The matriarch of the family, Mama is religious, moral, and maternal. She wants to use her husband’s insurance money as a down payment on a house with a backyard to fulfill her dream for her family to move up in the world.
    iv)Ruth Younger – Walter’s wife and Travis’s mother. Ruth takes care of the Youngers’ small apartment. Her marriage to Walter has problems, but she hopes to rekindle their love. She is about thirty, but her weariness makes her seem older. Constantly fighting poverty and domestic troubles, she continues to be an emotionally strong woman. Her almost pessimistic pragmatism helps her to survive.
    v)Travis Younger –  Walter and Ruth’s sheltered young son. Travis earns some money by carrying grocery bags and likes to play outside with other neighborhood children, but he has no bedroom and sleeps on the living-room sofa.

    Clash Of Culture- The poem also shows that two distinct cultures cannot stay together as any such attempt will result to conflict of norms, traditions and believes. For instance, as many analyst has proposed, the conflicts in Nigeria that appear in the forms of ethnicity(tribalism), favoritism, nepotism, nonchalant attitude to public work and so on, is as a result of the incompatibility of the three major tribes in Nigeria and the many others. However, irrespective of these abnormalities, Nigeria still calls for unity in diversity. In other words the voice of the poem described his past rural African background as simple as drums beats while his present and upcoming urbanized Western lifestyle as difficult as the wailing tones of a piano.

    Dilemma- The features in the poem, while the poet speaks glowingly of african culture, he also finng european culture, despite its shortcomings, seductive. Thus he is unable to dwcide whether to let go of the inherited culture or embrace the new one this is the plight of many educated africans today . many have however resolved this delimma by taking from the two cultures in what has come to be know as cultual syncretism. In other words wandering in the mystic rhythm/of jungle drums and the concerto. because he didn’t know which culture to totally embrace. He preferred the simple rural life but it was also impossible to let go of the civilisation he had got unto despite it was complex and confusing.

    The Schoolboy” is a poem written by William Blake. This poem speaks of how a schoolboy absolutely loves summer but he loaths the idea of going to class during it. Once at school, the boy simply wishes he was at home and waits “many an anxious hour” for it to end. He’s basically saying that how can people be happy when they are always stuck somewhere they don’t want to be. We should be doing something full of happiness and joy so that we can grow and blossom.
    This poem is written in six stanzas with five lines in each one. The rhyme scheme is ABABB. The syllables of each line changes throughout the poem. Some have six, some have eight, some have nine, and some even have ten. However, it is written in trochaic foot. In Other words his song of experience goes on a love grand. I love to rise in a summer morn, When the birds sing on every tree; The distant huntsman winds his horn, And the skylark sings with me: O what sweet company!.

    i)Symbolism: This is the use of symbols and symbolic expressions to depict an idea. Expressions like “sunset and evening stars” symbolizes beginning and the end respectively. “Bar” symbolizes death, and “bell” symbolizes time.
    ii)Alliteration: This is when two consonant sounds follow each. This device is employed in stanza one, line two “And one clear call for me” and line two of the second stanza, “Too full for sound and foam”
    iii)Metaphor: This is the direct comparison of two phenomenon (things, persons etc.). The quality of the pilot as the one who directs the cause of an aero plane and the passengers is used metaphorically in the poem to refer to the quality/ability of the one who directs the cause of the universe and all the living things in it – God. More so, the act of crossing the bar is compared to the act of dying or transiting to the next world.


    Answer one question from this section.
    Each question carries 25 marks
    Frank Ogodo Ogbeche: Harvest of Corruption
    1)’Corruption is a major social problem portrayed in the text’. Discuss
    2)Discuss the character and role of Ogeyi as a human right crusader
    Dele Charley: The Blood of a Siranger
    3)Discuss the character of Whitehead, showing his contributions to the development of the play
    4)How does the play portray the theme of greed?
    SECTION 11
    Answer one question from this section.
    Each question carries 25 marks.
    Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer
    5)With adequate textual illustrations, discuss the themes of class and power
    6)Discuss Hardcastle as an object of satire
    Lorraine Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
    7)Discuss any three dramatic techniques employed in the play
    8)How do the Youngers contribute to the development of the play?
    Answer one question from this section
    Each question carries 25 marks.
    9)Gbemisola Adeoti’s “Ambush” is a metaphor of the evils in the society’. Discuss.
    10)Discuss the themes of clash of cultures and dilemma in Gabriel Okara’s
    “Piano and Drums”
    Answer one question from this section.
    Each question carries 25 marks.
    11)Give an account of William Blake’s “The Schoolboy”
    12)Diseuss any three poetic devices used in Alfred Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar”

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