NECO Biology Practical Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2018 Expo Runz.
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Flamboyant flowers.
In a tabular form:
Under parts:
1. Filament.
2. Style.
3. Petals.
4. Sepal
Under Number:
1. 5
2. 1
3. 5
4. 5
Filament - It is the male organ used in production.
Style - It is the female organ through which the gametes pass.
Petal - It produces sweet juices for the insects.
(i) It has nectary gland.
(ii) The anthers contains few pollen grains.
(iii) The stigma is lobbed with sticky surfaces for easy adherence of the pollen grain.
M - Tilapia fish.
-It is poikilothermic animal.
-It possesses dorsal fin for swimming.
-The body is covered with overlapping scales.
G-Coconut fruits.
H-Cashew fruits.
I-Tomato fruits.
J-Tridax fruits.
In a tabular form:
G | Wind | The flowers do not produce scent
H | Animal | Some flowers have coloured calyx
I | Animal | The flowers do not produce nectar
J | wind | It possesses honey guide
In a tabular form
Under G:
-It has a based and stony endocarp.
-It undergoes marginal placentation.
-Coconut Fruit is dry indehiscent
-It has hard epicarp.
Under I:
-It has scattered scent.
-It undergoes axile placentation.
-Tomato is a dry dehiscent.
-It has a fleshy epicarp.
A-Elephant Grass
Specimen B - Insecta
Specimen C - Reptilia in the sub-phylum vertebrata.
Specimen D
Houseflies serve as intermediate hosts for several parasitic worms Eg Round worms in their developmental stage.
Specimen B:
(i)Has fore and hind wing for flight.
(ii)Has cuticle to minimize loss of water.
(iii)Has antenna for feeling.
Specimen C:
(i)limbs are developed for movement on land.
(ii) dry scaly skin to protect it from drying up.
(iii)its digits end in claws for grasping and climbing
elephant grass ----->grasshopper----->lizard
E- termites
F- Spiders
In a tabular form:
Under E
1.Possession of six walking legs.
2.Possession of three body segments.
3.Possession of thorax.
4.Absence of hairy body.
Under F:
1. Possession of eight walking legs
2. Possession of two body segments.
3. Absence of thorax.
4. Possession of hairy body.
Flamboyant flowers.
In a tabular form:
Under parts:
1. Filament.
2. Style.
3. Petals.
4. Sepal
Under Number:
1. 5
2. 1
3. 5
4. 5
Filament - It is the male organ used in production.
Style - It is the female organ through which the gametes pass.
Petal - It produces sweet juices for the insects.
(i) It has nectary gland.
(ii) The anthers contains few pollen grains.
(iii) The stigma is lobbed with sticky surfaces for easy adherence of the pollen grain.
M - Tilapia fish.
-It is poikilothermic animal.
-It possesses dorsal fin for swimming.
-The body is covered with overlapping scales.
G-Coconut fruits.
H-Cashew fruits.
I-Tomato fruits.
J-Tridax fruits.
In a tabular form:
G | Wind | The flowers do not produce scent
H | Animal | Some flowers have coloured calyx
I | Animal | The flowers do not produce nectar
J | wind | It possesses honey guide
In a tabular form
Under G:
-It has a based and stony endocarp.
-It undergoes marginal placentation.
-Coconut Fruit is dry indehiscent
-It has hard epicarp.
Under I:
-It has scattered scent.
-It undergoes axile placentation.
-Tomato is a dry dehiscent.
-It has a fleshy epicarp.
A-Elephant Grass
Specimen B - Insecta
Specimen C - Reptilia in the sub-phylum vertebrata.
Specimen D
Houseflies serve as intermediate hosts for several parasitic worms Eg Round worms in their developmental stage.
Specimen B:
(i)Has fore and hind wing for flight.
(ii)Has cuticle to minimize loss of water.
(iii)Has antenna for feeling.
Specimen C:
(i)limbs are developed for movement on land.
(ii) dry scaly skin to protect it from drying up.
(iii)its digits end in claws for grasping and climbing
elephant grass ----->grasshopper----->lizard
E- termites
F- Spiders
In a tabular form:
Under E
1.Possession of six walking legs.
2.Possession of three body segments.
3.Possession of thorax.
4.Absence of hairy body.
Under F:
1. Possession of eight walking legs
2. Possession of two body segments.
3. Absence of thorax.
4. Possession of hairy body.
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Real and Confirmed NECO Biology Practical Questions and Expo Answer – June/July 2018
Verified NECO 2018 June/July Biology Practical OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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