NECO GCE English language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Solution Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.
English ORAL:
English OBJ:
English ESSAY
i)Problem of low income intake in the relationship creates domestic violence
ii)Drug and alcohol abuse is another factor causing domestic violence
i)Patriarchy brings about reduction in the economic status of women in the society
ii)Patriarchy brings about oppression of women
i)Patriarchy brings about reduction in the economic status of women in the society
ii)Patriarchy brings about oppression of women
i)Domestic violence brings about physical injuries
ii)Domestic violence brings about mental depression
i)Domestic violence brings about physical injuries
ii)Domestic violence brings about mental depression
cohabitation means living together of unmarried people
i)when a woman has a child
ii)when a woman is abandoned by her husband.
i)when a woman has a child
ii)when a woman is abandoned by her husband.
the irony is blessing in disguise.
the irony is blessing in disguise.
i)it induces divorce.
ii)It breeds unhealthy competition between husband and wife
i)it induces divorce.
ii)It breeds unhealthy competition between husband and wife
divorce is high because there is no law that forbids patriarchy thus if
divorce is high because there is no law that forbids patriarchy thus if
i)noun phrase,
ii)subject of the verb ” are”
i)noun phrase,
ii)subject of the verb ” are”
ii)it means when they begin to fall apart
ii)it means when they begin to fall apart
i)Uncommon- rare, unusual,exceptional
ii)deserted – abandoned
iii)Emasculates – weakens
iv)Submissive – obedient
v)Promotes – encourages, urges
vi)Incentives – rewards
i)Uncommon- rare, unusual,exceptional
ii)deserted – abandoned
iii)Emasculates – weakens
iv)Submissive – obedient
v)Promotes – encourages, urges
vi)Incentives – rewards
growing in a violent environment
persona disorder Roles of patrachy
subordination and oppression of women
poor contribution to economic status of women.
subordination and oppression of women
poor contribution to economic status of women.
it can cause death of the victim.
it causes psychological problems
it can cause death of the victim.
it causes psychological problems
A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery.
He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block.
He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor.
On seeing him, the dad yelled:
“Why did you take all this time to come?
Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”
The doctor smiled & said: “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”
“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down?
If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again & replied:
“I will say what JOB said in the Holy Book, From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”.
Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our
best by God’s grace”
“Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured
the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
“Thank goodness! Your son is saved!”
And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running.
“If you have any question, ask the nurse!!”
“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father.
When seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face:
“His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery.
And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”
“Thank goodness! Your son is saved!”
And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running.
“If you have any question, ask the nurse!!”
“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father.
When seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face:
“His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery.
And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”
Answer (1) Only In This SECTION A
1)Write a letter to the president of your country drawing his attention to the high rate of unemployment in the country and suggesting ways of creating job opportunites
2)write an article suitable for publication in a national daily on the need to promote local industries in your country
3)Write a story that illustrates the saying: You cannot judge a book by its cover
4)You are a chief speaker in a debate on the topic: Religious leader have a greater role to play in averting religious crises than the government. Write your argument for or against the montion
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