NECO GCE Agricultural Science Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.
taungya is a system whereby villagers and sometimes forest plantation workers are given the right to cultivate agricultural crops during the early stages of forest plantation establishment.
i)They help us breathe.
ii)They keep Earth cool.
iii)They fight flooding.
iv)They keep us cool.
i)They help us breathe.
ii)They keep Earth cool.
iii)They fight flooding.
iv)They keep us cool.
i)They cause reduction in the viability of stored produce
ii)Site of injuries by insects may predispose crops to disease attack
iii)They increase the cost of production during the course of controlling them
iv)They render vegetables and fruits unattractive and unmarketable.
i)They cause reduction in the viability of stored produce
ii)Site of injuries by insects may predispose crops to disease attack
iii)They increase the cost of production during the course of controlling them
iv)They render vegetables and fruits unattractive and unmarketable.
i)Dairy cattle ie White fulani, Jersey, Ayrshere, red poll etc
ii)Beef cattle ie Sokoto gudali, Red bororo, Rahaji,Ndama etc
iii)All purposes ie Muturu, Shuwa, Azawal, Biu etc
-A good reason to cull a bird is if it is very aggressive and severely wounding other animals.
-culling helps to reduce feed costs of poor producers
-To reduce the risk of injury and bruising to herd mates
-To prevent financial losses from trimming damaged carcasses caused by horned feedlot cattle during transport to slaughter
-A good reason to cull a bird is if it is very aggressive and severely wounding other animals.
-culling helps to reduce feed costs of poor producers
-To reduce the risk of injury and bruising to herd mates
-To prevent financial losses from trimming damaged carcasses caused by horned feedlot cattle during transport to slaughter
-Causative organism: Bacteria(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
-Mode of transmission: Breathing of air contaminated germs, Feed and water contaminated with droppings and litters
-Symptom: Loss of weight
Control measure:Vaccination
-Causative organism: Bacteria(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
-Mode of transmission: Breathing of air contaminated germs, Feed and water contaminated with droppings and litters
-Symptom: Loss of weight
Control measure:Vaccination
Scoop net
-Sun drying
Scoop net
-Sun drying
-Put on protective clothing to avoid getting stung
-Avoid excessive smoking of the hive
-Never frighten the bees as this makes them wild to sting
-Never crush bees as this makes the whole colony excited
-Put on protective clothing to avoid getting stung
-Avoid excessive smoking of the hive
-Never frighten the bees as this makes them wild to sting
-Never crush bees as this makes the whole colony excited
i)The Act controls the manner in which land is used.
ii)Land acquire by government would be made easier for urban expansion
iii)The legal status of the Nigerian land user becomes that of statutory occupancy
iv)The Act empowers the Governor to revoke rights of occupancy for reasons of overriding public interest
i)Amendment of the land use decree: This will decrease land fragmentation. And enable farmers acquire enough land to support mechanized and commercial agriculture.
ii)Farmers education: The government should employ more agriculture extension workers to educate farmers on the use of modern equipment.
iii) Training of maintenance technicians: Technicians should also be trained to
maintain these sophisticated farm
machines when and where ever they are
iv)Encourage the local manufacture of farming machines: Local manufacturers should also be encouraged to start
manufacturing these farming equipment.
v)Improved access to credit: So, credit should be made accessible to
farmers who wish to procure modern
farming machines.
i)Amendment of the land use decree: This will decrease land fragmentation. And enable farmers acquire enough land to support mechanized and commercial agriculture.
ii)Farmers education: The government should employ more agriculture extension workers to educate farmers on the use of modern equipment.
iii) Training of maintenance technicians: Technicians should also be trained to
maintain these sophisticated farm
machines when and where ever they are
iv)Encourage the local manufacture of farming machines: Local manufacturers should also be encouraged to start
manufacturing these farming equipment.
v)Improved access to credit: So, credit should be made accessible to
farmers who wish to procure modern
farming machines.
-Reducing compaction from heavy machinery
-helping to create better soil structure
-preventing soil structure damage created by working wet field
-Reducing compaction from heavy machinery
-helping to create better soil structure
-preventing soil structure damage created by working wet field
i) clean planter with a pressure water or high pressure air especially important to wash off all starter fertilizer to prevent erossion
ii) save all new planter for warranty use referral
iii)store in a cool dry place
iv) remove seed plate door
i) clean planter with a pressure water or high pressure air especially important to wash off all starter fertilizer to prevent erossion
ii) save all new planter for warranty use referral
iii)store in a cool dry place
iv) remove seed plate door
Agricultural pollution refers to biotic and abiotic byproducts of farming practices that result in contamination or degradation of the environment
and surrounding ecosystems, and/or
cause injury to humans and their
economic interests.
i)Pesticide leaching.
ii)Leaching, runoff, and eutrophication.
i)Population increase
ii)Land tenure system
iv)Cultural practices
i)Population increase
ii)Land tenure system
iv)Cultural practices
i)Irrigation and Rainfall
iii)Temperature Increases
iv)Carbon Dioxide Increase
i)Irrigation and Rainfall
iii)Temperature Increases
iv)Carbon Dioxide Increase
i)biotic and abiotic factors interact in the same fashion.
ii)The sole purpose is to promote and
continue life.
iii)The continuation of any given biosphere is the interworking of bacteria, sunlight.
iv)the CO2, the soil, the fauna, the rain and all else that compromises the given environment.
i)biotic and abiotic factors interact in the same fashion.
ii)The sole purpose is to promote and
continue life.
iii)The continuation of any given biosphere is the interworking of bacteria, sunlight.
iv)the CO2, the soil, the fauna, the rain and all else that compromises the given environment.
Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education.
Originality in thought, word and action
He must be a good listener
Must be patient with the people
Must be honest and transparent
i)mobilization of saving
ii)provision of investment avenue
iii)proper regulation of funds to agricultural
iv)speed up the agricultural growth and development
v)capital formation
i)mobilization of saving
ii)provision of investment avenue
iii)proper regulation of funds to agricultural
iv)speed up the agricultural growth and development
v)capital formation
i)Agricultural advancement is necessary for improving the supply of raw materials for the agro-based industries especially in our developing country.
ii)The progress in agricultural sector
provides surplus for increasing the
exports of agricultural products.
iii)agricultural goods and industrial production and a consequent increase in the general price
iv)agriculture sector is the backbone of
an economy which provides the basic
ingredients to mankind
v)agricultural output and productivity tend to contribute substantially to an overall economic development of the country
i)Agricultural advancement is necessary for improving the supply of raw materials for the agro-based industries especially in our developing country.
ii)The progress in agricultural sector
provides surplus for increasing the
exports of agricultural products.
iii)agricultural goods and industrial production and a consequent increase in the general price
iv)agriculture sector is the backbone of
an economy which provides the basic
ingredients to mankind
v)agricultural output and productivity tend to contribute substantially to an overall economic development of the country
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