NECO Literature-In-English (prose) Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz. Literature OBJ: 1-10: BDBADCDCBB 11-20: BCEBCBDACB 21-30: EDEADBEDDB 31-40: BBDAEBBBDB 41-50: ACBBAACDBD 51-60: CDBAADBEAA (7) The roles and significance of Max's defence of Bigger Thomas is one that contributes to the message of the novel. During his defence, he exposes the illogisticalities. For instance, he highlights the absurdity in renting houses to blacks including Bigger's family in the black belt and refuses to do so in other areas, thereby keeping many a stranger to the family chauffeur. He points out the contradiction in allowing a black man to be so close to the allures of western civilization only to deny him their enjoyment. Through his personal and professional counsel, he is able to move Bigger from a great deal of ignorance to a reasonable level of enlightenment. He is also able to make him feel like a man with dignity. It is the effect of these eff...