WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2019 Expo Runz. That is all... Till Neco am done with waec runz (2a) F G H * It is fine grained * It is clay * Holds water very well * Forms ring and roll conveniently * It is moderately grained * It is loamy * Moderate water retention * Weakly forms a roll * It is coarse grained * It is sandy * Low water retention * Can't form a roll and ring conveniently (2a) TABULATE - F * It is fine grained * It is clay * Holds water very well * Forms ring and roll conveniently - G * It is moderately grained * It is loamy * Moderate water retention * Weakly forms a roll - H * It is coarse grained * It is sandy * Low water retention * Can't form a roll and ring conveniently (2b) (i)potatoes (ii)carrots (2ci) SPECIMEN G- loamy soil (2cii) (i)contained decayed matter (ii)the lumps are finable (iii)it well aerated (2d) (i)it he...