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Showing posts from July, 2017

2017 WAEC GCE Timetable (Nov/Dec Exam) – International

We present all 042tvseries readers the  2017 WAEC GCE Timetable  (November/December Exam) This is to inform candidates that wish to participate in the 2017/2018  West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination  ( WASSCE ) NOV/DEC that the West Africa Examination Council ( WAEC ) has released the examination  Final International Timetable . 2017 WAEC GCE Nov/Dec private exam would be done in Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia and Sierra Leone, so the timetable provided below is for candidates from the 4 participating West African countries Below is the  WAEC Nov/Dec GCE Timetable  for Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Gambia Candidates. You can also click on the link below to download the 2017 NECO June/July Timetable in PDF format. WAEC GCE TIMETABLE. Click Here  to download the PDF version. [The PDF version contains the paper code and duration of each subject]. DATE SUBJECT/PAPER TIME(G.M.T.) Monday, 31stJuly to Friday, 18th August, 2017 Basket...

Neco 2017 Financial Accounting Obj And Theory Answers – June/July Expo

NECO Financial Accounting OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – June/July 2017 Expo Runz Account OBJ: 1dcceecabdc 11ddeabddaca 21baceaedadb 31ddcbecbbac 41ecebddebed 51ccaeccbada SECTION A - ANSWER 2 2) i)General warrant refers to a warrant providing a law-enforcement officer with broad discretion or authority to search and seize unspecified places or persons.  Ii)A capital expenditure is an amount spent to acquire or improve a long-term asset iii)Recurrent expenditure means the cost of incurred expenses in the accounting year iv)supplementary budget refer to as the additional grant required to meet the required expenditure of the government v)Payment Voucher refers to as document which can be used as proof that a monetary transaction has occurred between two parties 3a) Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) Can be defined as a procedure in which they transfer funds from one account to another 3b) -Entries made twice -Entries not made at all -Entries to the wrong account -Reversed en...

Neco 2017 Physical And Practical Geography Answers – June/July Expo

NECO Geography (Physical and Practical) OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – June/July 2017 Expo Runz Geography Obj: 1-10 BCACDBCEAE 11-20 ECDAABCECA 21-30 ADBBAADAEC 31-40 EEEDDDAEAC 41-50 ACAAADBADE 51-60 ADEACCCBDD 3a) i)Erosional plains ii)Structural plains 3b)Structural plains​: They are relatively undisturbed horizontal surfaces of the Earth. They are structurally depressed areas of the world that make up some of the most extensive natural lowlands on the Earth's surface. Erosional plains​: They are plains that have been leveled by various agents of denudation such as running water, rivers, wind and glacier which wear out the rugged surface and smoothens them. Plain resulting from the action of these agents of denudation are called peneplains (almost plain) while plains formed from wind action are called pediplains. 3c) i)for farming ii)Building industrial Area iii)Building residential area iv)Grazing Livestock v)Settlement 8a) 1)Pointdata exists when a feature is associa...

Neco 2017 Book Keeping Obj And Theory Answers – June/July Expo

NECO Book Keeping OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – June/July 2017 Expo Runz 1a) Marketing can be defined as the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. 1bi) A need is a consumer's desire for a product's orservice's specific benefit, whether that be functional or emotional. A want is the desire for products or services that are not necessary, but which consumers wish for. 1bii) Wants are goods or services that are not necessary but that we desire or wish for. 1biii) Demand can be defined as how many goods and services are bought at various prices during a certain period of time. 1biv) A product is the item offered for sale. Aproduct can be a service or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. 1bv) An exchange is a marketplace in which securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded.  2a) Stock-taking or "inventory c...

Neco 2017 Office Practice Obj And Theory Answers – June/July Expo

NECO Office Practice OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – June/July 2017 Expo Runz »  OFFICE OBJ: 1-10 aacaeebbde 11-20 edecdcacbb 21-30 bddedceeba 31-40 eabaacdceb 41-50 dadeaaaaab 51-60 aebbbadbda 2a) Formal organizationis a fixed set of rules of intra-organizationprocedures and structures. 2b) 1)Understanding the organization structure, I mean hierarchy 2)Clarifying , reporting lines and decision making flow 3)Ensuring right resource allocation 4)Organizational chart helps build and design the organization structure to meet the business objectives. 5)Organizational chart can guide the employees to know their rights and responsibilities. 10a) meeting is where a group of people come together to discuss issues, to improve communication, to promote coordination or to deal with any matters that are put on the agenda and to help get any jobs done. 10b) 1)To deal with a current problem within the group or within the business or organisation. 2)To receive a report for assessment and...

Ondo State Joint Exam English Language Answers – June/July Expo

Ondo state Joint Promotional English Language OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – 2017 Expo Runz Answer Loading... VERIFY ENGLISH OBJ ANSWER 1-10: AADBABCDBC 11-20: DACBADAACB 21-30: BCACBBACCB 31-40: ABBCCABACA 41-50: CBBDCDDBAB  51-60: DADAADCDCB 61-70: BACBCCDADA 71-80: DO IT YOURSELF ENGLISH THEORY: INSTRUCTION: Answer Three (3) Question in All. One (1) From Section A With Section B & C. SECTION A QUESTION: (1) Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long course abroad, telling him how the family has been faring in his absence. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CLICK HERE TO LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Ondo state Joint Promotional English obj and theory, NECO 2017 English Language answer, Ondo state Joint Promotional English answer, verified Ondo state Joint Promotional English Language answer expo answer, 2017 Ondo state Joint Promotional Engliah Language expo answer GOODLUCK!!! Verified ondo joint promotional exam 2017 English Language (Obj & Theory) qu...

Neco 2017 Biology Obj And Theory Answers – June/July Expo

NECO Biology OBJ, THEORY/ESSAY Questions and Answer – June/July 2017 Expo Runz More Answers Loading....  Biology OBJ: 1-10 DADEAABCAA 11-20 ECEBBAADBC 21-30 BBABCAADAB 31-40 BACCAABEED 41-50 DABCABCAAE 51-60 AEEABBEBDE Biology THEORY: INSTRUCTION: Answer Three(3) Questions Only. 1a) Homeostasis is the maintenance of a fairly constant internal environment despite the changes in the external environment. Eg Am Amoeba regulates the water content of its protoplasm inorder to keep it at a fairly constant level 1aii) i)Auxins  ii)cytokinin  1aiii) -Euglena is regarded as an animal- i)It feed on ready-made food ii)It does not have a cellulose cell wall but has a plasma membrane  -Euglena is regarded as an plant- i)It has a chloroplast  ii)It can manufacture it's food 1bi) i)Temperature  ii)humility 1bii) CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE 2ai) ​Beak- is used to pick up food such as grains and fruits 2aii) Crop- the food is stored temporarily in the crop where it moistened ...